Activism Among Academics: Creating Change from “The Ivory”
On November 16, 2020 the college partnered with the American Society of Criminology, Division on People of Color and Crime to co-sponsor the online panel Activism Among Academics: Creating Change from “The Ivory”. The event featured presentations from four academics, at different stages in their careers, about their activism and their decisions to engage in activism. JACSW Associate Professor Henrika McCoy presented as one of the panelists.
Video of the Panel Discussion Heading link
Panelists Heading link

Brittany Battle, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Wake Forest University

Henrika McCoy, PhD
Associate Professor, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois Chicago

Sean Wilson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, William Patterson University

Isaac Yablo
PhD Student, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Panel Moderator Heading link

Ericka B. Adams, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Justice Studies, San José State University