Building Bridges to Successful Reentry
A Discussion on Reducing Barriers and Advancing the Role of Education for Returning Citizens
As a response to mass incarceration and to address racial inequities in the criminal justice system, the Center has been working to increase access to higher education for returning citizens. In connection with this effort, the Center hosted a virtual public forum featuring a panel of five people who have expertise with incarceration and reentry through their research, employment or lived experience, including Illinois State Representative Lamont J. Robinson, Jr., 5th District.
Their wide-ranging discussion explored the challenges and disenfranchisement experienced by returning citizens, the barriers they face when attempting to access education, and what can be done to increase educational and vocational opportunities to ensure post-prison success and reduce recidivism.
Video of the Panel Heading link
Panelists Heading link

The Honorable Lamont Robinson
Illinois State Representative, 5th District

Anthony Lowery
Associate Vice President Community Housing Programs
Safer Foundation

David Rivers
Lead Patient Services Coordinator
Acclivus, Inc.

Dr. Chico Tillmon
Director of Research and Evaluation
Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities (TASC), Inc.

Terrell Campbell
Director, Academic Resource Program
Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research
Special Thanks Heading link
Thank you to the following MSW students for their work in coordinating and presenting this important discussion:
- Claire Corcoran
- Patty Delgado
- Samantha Pasillas
- Brigid Van Der Bosch.