Message from the Dean
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Jane Addams Alumni and Friends,
This spring, 253 Jane Addams students will receive their advanced degrees, and as they are leaving the University of Illinois Chicago campus, they will experience new beginnings. Some will begin their social work careers in the health care field, others in schools or family services agencies, in youth development centers or community development organizations. Their academic achievements have been notable, and we are confident that with the excellent education they received at Jane Addams, they will have long, successful careers that further advance the college’s mission.
This issue of Affirmations features stories of the college’s involvement in other new beginnings. Highlights include the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research’s support services for older individuals leaving prisons and returning home and a forum on ending permanent punishments for individuals who were formerly incarcerated. Also of note is the 28th Karen J. Honig Memorial Lecture, where immigration attorney Gladis Molina Alt challenged us to welcome newcomers with trust, generosity, and support. I hope you find these stories and the other articles in this issue informative and inspirational.
As always, thank you for the many ways you support the college and do let us hear from you.
Creasie Finney Hairston, PhD