Christopher G. Mitchell, PhD
Associate Professor
Building & Room:
ETMSW 4214
1040 W. Harrison Street, Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Dr. Mitchell has more than 15 years of experience working with people with a variety of mental health conditions. He has specialized training and experience addressing the health and mental health needs of persons living with HIV and has received research funding from the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. He serves on the Board of Accreditation at the Council on Social Work Education.
Professional Interests
Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequities
Integrated Care and Behavioral Health Practice
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Adherence
Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions
Interprofessional Education
Social Work Ethics
Teaching Experience
SocW 430 Practice I
SocW 586 Practice III: Mental Health
SocW 587 Practice IV: Mental Health
Selected Publications
Bowen, E.A., & Mitchell, C.G. (2016). Housing as a Social Determinant of Health: Exploring the Relationship between Rent Burden and Risk Behaviors for Single Room Occupancy Building Residents, Social Work in Public Health, 31:5, 387-397. DOI:10.1080/19371918.2015.1137518.
Bowen, E.A., & Mitchell, C.G. (2016). Homelessness and Residential Instability as Covariates of HIV Risk Behavior among Residents of Single Room Occupancy Housing, Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services. 15:3, 269-283. DOI:10.1080/15381501.2015.1123210.
Gates, T.G., & Mitchell, C.G. (2013). Workplace stigma-related experiences among lesbian, gay, and bisexual workers: Implications for social policy and practice. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 28(3), 159-171.
Mitchell, C.G., & Linsk, N.L. (2009). HIV Prevention in 2009: Success and Challenges to an Effective Global and Domestic Response. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 8, 309-312.
Mitchell, C.G., & Oltean, A. (2007). Integrating HIV prevention into substance abuse treatment: Current practices and challenges. Substance Use and Misuse, 42, 2173-2182.
Bass, M., Linsk, N.L, & Mitchell. C.G. (2007). Training substance abuse counselors about HIV medication adherence. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 6, 139-159.
Mitchell, C.G., Freels, S., Creticos, C., Oltean, A., & Douglas, R. (2007). Preliminary findings of modified directly observed therapy and risk reduction counseling for a population of marginally housed HIV+ persons. AIDS Care, 19, 561-564.
Mitchell, C.G. (2006). A Response to Wong and Wyatt. Behavior and Social Issues, 15, 181-184.
Cook, J., Razzano, L., Linsk, N., Dancy, B., Grey, D., Butler, S., & Mitchell, C.G., et al. (2006). Changes in service delivery following HIV/AIDS education of medical and mental health service providers: Results of a one-year follow-up. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29, 282-288.
Mitchell, C.G., Perloff, J., McVicker, J., Ebbert, S., Petersen, L., & Oltean, A. (2005). Integrating prevention into residential and community care settings: A multidimensional program evaluation. AIDS Education and Prevention, 17 , Supplement A, 89-101.
Mitchell, C.G., & Linsk, N. (2004). A multidimensional conceptual framework for understanding HIV as a chronic long-term illness. Social Work, 49, 469-477.
Linsk, N.L., & Mitchell, C.G. (2004). Adherence to HIV therapies: Can applied behavior analysis help? In H.E. Briggs and T Rzepnicki, (Ed.). Using evidence in social work practice: Behavioral perspectives, Lyceum Books.
Wolf, M.S., Linsk, N.L., Mitchell, C.G., and Schechtman, B. (2004). HIV prevention in practice: An assessment of the public health response of physicians and nurses in the Midwest . Journal of Community Health, 29, 63-73.
Wolf, M.S., & Mitchell C.G. (2002). Preparing social workers to address HIV/AIDS Prevention and detection: Implications for professional training and education. Journal of Community Health, 27, 165-180.
Linsk, N., Mitchell, C.G., Despotes, J., Cook, J., Razzano, L., Grey, D., & Wolf, M. (2002). Evaluating HIV mental health training: Changes in practice and knowledge for social workers and case managers. Health and Social Work, 27, 67-70.
Mitchell, C.G., & Linsk, N. (2001). Prevention for positives: Challenges and opportunities for integrating secondary prevention into HIV case management. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13, 393-402.
Mitchell, C.G. (2001). Factors to consider in making curriculum decisions about treatment guidelines and best practices. Journal of Social Work Education, 37, 465-474.
Mitchell, C.G. (2001). Patient satisfaction with manualized versus standard interventions in a managed care context. Research on Social Work Practice, 11, 473-484.
Mitchell, C.G. (1999). Treating anxiety in a managed care setting: A controlled comparison of medication alone versus medication plus cognitive-behavioral group therapy. Research on Social Work Practice, 9, 188-200.
Mitchell, C.G. (1998). Perceptions of empathy and client satisfaction with managed behavioral healthcare. Social Work, 43, 404-411.
Editorial Reviews
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services
Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research
AIDS Education and Prevention
Health Promotion Practice
BA, St. Hyacinth College
MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore
MA, St. Mary’s Seminary & University
PhD, Catholic University of America
Professional Memberships
National Association of Social Workers
Council on Social Work Education
Society for Social Work and Research
American Public Health Association
Research Currently in Progress
Co-Investigator. (2015-2018). “Enhancing Primary Care with an Interprofessional Geriatric Program: Empowering and Educating Healthcare Professionals, Patients, Familes, Caregivers, and Communities.” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
Co-Investigator. (2014-2017). “Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training For Professionals and Paraprofessionals.” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
Co-Investigator. (2013-2016). “Williams Consent Decree Implementation Evaluation.” Illinois Division of Mental Health.
Principal Investigator. (2013). “Development of a Digital Video Library for Team-Based, Patient-Centered Interprofessional Education.” UIC Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).
Co-Investigator. (2006-2013). Acting Principal Investigator. (2005-2006). “Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center.” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services.
Principal Investigator. (2008-2009). “CDPH Chart Review Project.” Chicago Department of Public Health.
Principal Investigator. (2006). “HIV Trainings for IDPH Funded Agencies.” Illinois Department of Public Health.
Principal Investigator. (2005-2007). “Diffusion of Partnership for Health to Health Providers and Medical Agencies Servicing Persons Living with HIV/AIDS.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Principal Investigator. (2005-2006). “HIV Mental Health Training Program.” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services.
Principal Investigator. (2003-2006). “DAART+: Integrating HIV Treatment Adherence and Prevention.” Grant number: R21MH066590. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
Co-investigator and Director of Evaluation. (1999-2005). “Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center.” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services.
Principal Investigator. (2003-2004). “Rapid Testing in Labor and Delivery/Nursery Units Implementation in Illinois.” Illinois Department of Public Health.
Principal Investigator. (2003-2004). “Integrating Prevention into Ryan White Case Management.” AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Principal Investigator. (2003-2004). “Chicago Practice Improvement Collaboration: Integrating HIV Prevention and Substance Abuse Treatment. Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities.
Principal Investigator. (2001). “Assessing the Clinical Consultation Needs of HIV Treatment Providers.” National Clinician Clinical Consultation Center.
Principal Investigator. (2000-2003). “HIV Prevention and Case Management.” AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Principal Investigator. (1999-2002). “A Comparative Evaluation of AETC Training Programs on HIV Drug Resistance.” Subcontract from Columbia University School of Public Health.
Principal Investigator. (1999-2002). “Perinatal HIV Prevention Education and Training Project.” Illinois Department of Public Health.
Co-investigator. (1998-2001). “HIV Education and Training for Health and Mental Health Practitioners.” Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA, Department of Health and Human Services.