New Research, Social Impact: Spring 2022
A look at four recent research projects at Jane Addams College of Social Work and the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research.
Supporting the Health and Well-being of Minority Senior Citizens Heading link

Visiting Research Professor John Holton, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research, received a contract with the Illinois Department on Aging to evaluate existing approaches to identifying the special needs of minority senior citizens, evaluate the adequacy of existing programs and information, and develop a comprehensive outreach plan to address the changing demographics in Illinois’ older adult population.
Supporting Youth With Foster Care Experience in Higher Education Heading link

Associate Professor Jennifer Geiger received a UIC Student Affairs Faculty Fellowship and grant for her project Pathways from Community College to a 4-year University: Experiences of Students with a Foster Background, which aims to increase our understanding of how to support youth with foster care experience in their transition from community college to a 4‑year institution.
Improving Outcomes of Homicide Investigations for Families of Victims Heading link

Assistant Professor Kathryn Bocanegra received a Joyce Foundation grant for her project Life After Death: A Survivor-Centered Examination of Homicide Investigations, which will examine challenges experienced in homicide investigations and opportunities to improve practice and outcome through the perspective of families of homicide victims, the communities they reside in, and violent crime investigators.