Message from the Dean
Message from the Dean Heading link

Jane Addams Alumni and Friends,
The old expression that “time sometimes seems to fly “is true at Jane Addams College of Social Work. Although it seems the fall semester just began, it is nearly over. By the time you receive this issue of Affirmations, students will be taking final exams and ready for an extended break from the routines of school. While most of us are looking forward to spending time relaxing and attending holiday and celebratory events with families and friends, we know this will not be the reality for many at home and abroad.
The horrors of war and devastation occurring in the Middle East and Ukraine and the dire housing and economic situation facing recent migrants to Chicago do not allow for many individuals and families to think about the leisurely activities many of us have in mind. Though not as dire as the atrocities of war and displacement, the daily challenges of living in impoverished and under resourced neighborhoods and experiencing few real opportunities for change, while witnessing enormous wealth and indifference all around, takes its toll on the spirit. At times, it may seem that no one really cares.
This issue of Affirmations features stories of Jane Addams faculty, staff and alumni who are using their expertise, caring, and desire to make Chicago and the communities they call home, if not this world, a better place. Among the stories are the life of a labor organizer and mental health specialist, the heroic efforts of a hospital administrator, and a faculty member’s participation in a program that enhances her ability to better inform the public about social justice matters. Also featured are efforts of the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research Center’s involvement in work that elevates Justice Matters as a significant social policy concern and recognizes the individuals and groups who are making that happen.
I hope you find this issue informative and inspirational. We would love to hear from you. As always, thank you for the many ways you support the College.
Creasie Finney Hairston, PhD
Dean and Professor