Message from the Dean
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There are more than 11,000 criminal justice social workers currently employed in the United States, and as you’ll learn in this issue of Affirmations, the Jane Addams College of Social Work has begun a specialization program in our master’s degree curriculum to increase that number. Associate Professor Charles Hounmenou is chairing the committee that oversees the new Social Work within Justice Systems specialization.
Also in this issue, a study by Associate Professors Otima Doyle and Branden McLeod was selected an “Editor’s Choice” by the Journal of Child and Family Studies (JCFS) for its scientific quality and public health relevance. In the Alumni Spotlight, we learn how social work has impacted the life of Jerry Watson, a JACSW master’s degree recipient who now serves as assistant professor of social work at the University of Memphis. Going from a former student to one who is currently enrolled in the JACSW master’s program, Les Plewa, a teacher at a Chicago high school, is expecting to finish his degree next year and return to CPS, not as a teacher but as a social worker.
We hope you enjoy this issue and we would love to hear from you.
Creasie Finney Hairston, PhD
Dean and Professor