Katherine Ast
Doctoral Student
Katherine Ast, LCSW, received her BA in English from Duke University and her MSW from Jane Addams College of Social Work. She worked as a high school English teacher and volleyball and softball coach for five years. She transitioned to a clinical therapist role at a community mental health center, then to a domestic violence agency, and finally supported individuals with developmental disabilities in the community.
Her excitement for quality measurement began as a measure developer at the American Medical Association. Katherine has been at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) since 2013, where her latest project produced two patient-reported outcome performance measures (PRO-PMs) for people with a serious illness ("Feeling Heard and Understood" and "Help Wanted for Pain"). She currently serves as the organization's director of quality and research.
Ast's research interests involve implementing PRO-PMs in practice, involving communities and the interdisciplinary team, and elder care for LGBTQ people. She loves to travel, read, and play volleyball.