Faith Johnson Bonecutter, MSW
Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services and Clinical Associate Professor
Building & Room:
4329 ETMSW
Office Phone:
Professor Bonecutter’s post-master’s degree experience includes direct practice with individuals, couples, and families and provision of training, consultation and technical assistance to schools, mental health agencies, public and private social service agencies related to services to low income and minority children and families.
Teaching Experience:
SocW 430 Generalist Practice I
Selected Publications
Gleeson, J.P., Bonecutter, F.J., & Altshuler, S.J. (1995). Facilitating permanence in kinship care: The Illinois project. In G.R. Anderson & J.P. Gleeson (Eds.), Kinship care forum (pp.7-24). New York: National Resource Center for Permanency Planning at the Hunter College School of Social Work.
Bonecutter, F.J. & Gleeson, J.P. (1997). Broadening our view: Lessons from kinship foster. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 5,1/2, pp. 99-119. Also simultaneously co-published in Gary R. Anderson, Angela Shen Ryan, and Bogart R. Leashore (Eds.), The Challenge of Permanency Planning in a Multicultural Society (pp. 99-119). New York: The Haworth Press, Inc.
Gleeson, J.P., O’Donnell, J., & Bonecutter, F.J. (1997). Understanding the complexity of practice in kinship foster care. Child Welfare, 76(6), 801-826.
Bonecutter, F.J. & Gleeson, J.P. (1997). Achieving Permanency for Children in Kinship Foster Care: A training manual. Chicago: Jane Addams College of Social Work and the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Bonecutter, F.J. (1999). Defining best practice in kinship care through research and demonstration. In J.P. Gleeson and C.F. Hairston (Eds.), Kinship care: Improving practice through research (pp. 37-59). Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America.
BA, Mount Holyoke College
AM, University of Chicago
MSW, University of Illinois at Chicago
Professional Memberships
National Association of Social Workers
Academy of Certified Social Workers
Council on Social Work Education
Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors
Research Currently in Progress
The Kinship Care Practice Project, funded by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research, conducted with Co-Principal Investigator, James P. Gleeson, PhD