In May of 2017, the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research will host a Summit to identify effective reentry policies and programs for older prisoners.
For our 23rd Karen Honig Memorial Lecture, the Rev. Starsky D. Wilson spoke about necessity of achieving racial equity before we can achieve child well-being.
In Illinois, 59% of all youth will return to an Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice facility within three years of their initial date of release (IDJJ, 2015). Knowing this, what steps can we…
Who and where are the victims of domestic minor sex trafficking in Chicago? Charles Hounmenou, PhD, is conducting research to explore the characteristics of child prostitution in Chicago, estimate the hard-to-reach population of…
Dr. McLeod’s overall research interest relates to the well-being of African American males and their families. Given the overrepresentation of African American males in the criminal justice system, Dr. McLeod’s research focuses on…
An article in JACSW’s Affirmations magazine compels one alumna and her 13-year old daughter’s basketball team to rally around a group of incoming UIC students.