JACSW Faculty Going Above & Beyond

Fostering Awareness and Discussion of Key Social Issues Heading link

Hounmenou speaking

Assistant Professor Charles Hounmenou, whose research focus is human trafficking and sexual exploitation, moderated a panel on immigration and human rights hosted by the college. Panelists included practitioners from Germany and Colombia who shared their perspectives on working with immigrants and refugees.

Bolstering the Curriculum with Alumni Expertise Heading link

alumni and faculty participants

Assistant Professor Jennifer Geiger organized a panel with six alumni of the JACSW Child Welfare Traineeship Program. Entitled Working in Child Welfare: Getting There and Thriving, the presentation examined the challenges and rewards of working with children in the child welfare system. Picture above are Professor Geiger, alumni Shakeila LeSure, Sarah Donohue, Hunter Nelson, Lisa Garcia, Elizabet Bonilla Escobar and Hillary Dvorak (all MSW ’18), and JACSW Assistant Professor Christina Myers.

panelists speaking

Assistant Professor Karen D’Angelo invited macro practitioners to present to a class in the Organization and Community Practice Specialization. They spoke about organizational practice and various aspects of managing a career in macro social work. Pictured above are JACSW alumni Mark Furlong, MSW ’93 and Najlah Iqbal, MSW ’19 (left and center), along with Catherine McDonough.

Professional Development for Practitioners in the Field Heading link

Coats and alumnus

Field Director Barbara Coats (right) and her staff in the JACSW Field Division plan and organize regular professional development events for field supervisors who work with JACSW students. The last event featured JACSW alumnus Dr. Denise Gray, MSW ’98 (left) who presented Examining the Maternal Bridge to Healing Trauma Within African-American Families.

Helping Students on their Path to Employment Heading link

faculty and alumni

Associate Clinical Professor Annette Johnson organized a job search and resume workshop for students in the School Social Work Specialization. In the workshop, alumni Paul Budin, MSW ’86 (far left) and Carolyn Franklin, MSW ’92 (far right) spoke from their experience as social work managers in the public school system. Also pictured are Professor Johnson and Field Liaison Kimberly Jenkins.

Contributing to Professional Development in Social Work Heading link

Misara and Rubin

Assistant Professor Karen D’Angelo and adjunct instructors Jill Misra and Joel Rubin, MSW ’83 participated in the pre-conference session for the 2019 NASW IL conference. Entitled The Reframing of Micro vs. Macro, the session reviewed findings supporting the need for a more blended view of micro and macro social work practice. Jill Misra (pictured above with alumnus Joel Rubin) planned and moderated the conversation.

Faculty Generosity on #GivingTuesday Heading link

door with

JACSW faculty members routinely contribute generously to scholarship funds at the college. On #GivingTuesday they stepped up yet again, including Assistant Professor Daysi Diaz-Strong (who joined the faculty in Fall 2019) – the college saw more #GivingTuesday participation from faculty and alumni in 2019 than ever before!

Furthering Understanding and Discussion of the Opioid Epidemic Heading link

Swartz speaking

Professor James Swartz, whose recent work has focused on interventions to reduce deaths from opioid overdoses, offered his knowledge and expertise as a panelist for the UIC event Effective Strategies for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic. Above, he is pictured speaking at the panel discussion, third from the left.

See Faculty Research & Sponsored Projects