Advocating for Black Communities Impacted by Police Violence
Advocating for Black Communities Impacted by Police Violence Heading link

Dear Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni and Friends of the College,
As our nation deals again with grievous incidents of police violence and questions around police accountability, we are reminded of how much we have yet to accomplish. Recognizing the severity and challenges of the problems we face, major social work education and professional associations have voiced concerns and initiated planning and development activities for individual and collective social work action. I am sharing with you the statement recently issued by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), as well as this list from NASW-IL of organizations and resources to help Black communities in Illinois.
As information regarding action plans, summits and other activities and meetings becomes available, it will be shared via email and postings on the College website. Going forward, we can help make a difference that matters.
Creasie Finney Hairston, PhD
Dean and Professor