Financial Assistance
Scholarships, awards and other forms of financial assistance are available to outstanding students with a strong commitment to social justice and serving vulnerable individuals, families and communities.
Tuition and Financial Aid at UIC Heading link
A Sampling of Scholarships for MSW Students Heading link

Johnson Bonecutter Scholarship Fund
Faith Johnson Bonecutter, MSW ’82, retired Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services, created an endowed scholarship to support first-year PM students with demonstrated financial need and an interest in working with children and families. Preference will be given to students who will contribute to the diversity of the student body.

Professor James P. Gleeson Scholarship
The Professor James P. Gleeson Scholarship Fund was created with a significant contribution from Jim Horan, MSW ’79, along with contributions from Jim and Linda Gleeson and other friends and colleagues. The fund honors Dr. Gleeson for his 30 years of dedication to JACSW, his students, and the larger community.

Carol S. Goldbaum Scholarship
The Carol S. Goldbaum Scholarship Fund was established by alumnus Carol Goldbaum, PhD ’88, to support students interested in clinical social work who have lived in or wish to work in an impoverished inner city community.

Phillip M. Squibb Family Scholarship
Phillip Squibb established this scholarship for students who have families. As a JACSW student, he quit his job to earn his Master of Social Work degree and funds for his family’s living expenses were tight, especially after they’d just had their second child. “The support I received relieved pressure at home so that I could focus on my education and experience,” he says, “so I wanted to pay it forward and help people who are in the same position I was in.”

Nancy A. Hanson Scholarship
The Nancy A. Hanson Scholarship Fund was established by alumnus Nancy Hanson, MSW ’79, to support outstanding social work students who have financial need.

Sally Reuter Radka Memorial Scholarship
The Sally Reuter Radka Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Sally’s husband John in her honor and memory, for students returning to school after a hiatus. Sally began her college career at the age of 39, receiving her MSW in 1979 five years later.

Nancy J. Alexander Scholarship
The Nancy J. Alexander Scholarship was established for students interested in working with aging populations.

Randy A. Fisher Scholarship Fund
The Randy A. Fisher Scholarship was established for students in the School Social Work Specialization.

Dean’s Award Scholarship
These annual awards are presented to students with financial need, and are supported by donations to the JACSW Scholarship Fund by alumni and friends of the college.
Dean's Scholarship Recipients Heading link

Scholarship recipients who attended the 2019 Dean’s Scholarship Reception

Financial Aid for PhD Students Heading link
Doctoral students may qualify for fellowships, assistantships, tuition waivers, or other forms of financial assistance.

Financial Aid for MSW Students Heading link
Learn more about financial aid for MSW students at the Jane Addams College of Social Work.