COVID-19: Updates from the College
A Message from the Dean Heading link

For everyone’s health and safety we are continuing with the “new normal”, conducting the usual business of the university – teaching, learning, research and community engagement – while also understanding that this is not business as usual.
Below are the most recent updates regarding vaccination, masking, testing, classes, or events. We will continue to provide regular updates as new developments or changes related to college operations occur.
Thank you for your support, flexibility, patience, caring and concern.
Creasie Finney Hairston, PhD
Dean and Professor
Updates Regarding College and UIC Operations Heading link
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
The FDA and CDC just approved a new vaccine and are recommending that everyone six months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. The UIC community is strongly encouraged to take advantage of the new vaccine, especially those with risk factors for severe infection. Read more here.
Monday, August 21, 2023
COVID-19 is still here, but the UIC community continues to be resilient and supportive. To help maintain a safe environment, please follow these guidelines.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Effective May 11, 2023, the COVID-19 Paid Administrative Leave offered in accordance with Illinois Public Act 102-0697 is expected to end. After May 11, 2023, you will need to use your own accrued sick leave or other appropriate paid or unpaid leave for time needed for COVID-19 reasons. Read more here.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Chicago and Cook County remain in the Low COVID-19 Community Level based on the number of new local COVID-19 cases, regional COVID-19 hospital admissions and COVID-19 hospital capacity. In addition, the federal Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 expires May 11 as we transition to a more endemic phase.
Masks are still very effective in protecting you from infection and are encouraged as needed. Masking requirements are modified on campus and at UI Health, effective Feb. 20.
For campus:
Masking is encouraged but no longer required in classrooms, lecture centers, research labs, libraries and learning/success centers, the Counseling Center and on UIC shuttles and buses.
For UI Health:
Masking remains required in all clinical areas for staff, patients and visitors, but masking is optional in meeting rooms and the cafeteria. The Hospital & Clinics will provide additional guidance in a separate message to staff.
More details available at UIC Today.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Many of the COVID-19 safety measures from the fall semester will remain in place. Those include:
COVID-19 vaccinations (the primary series) remain required. Vaccines are the most effective protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death.
Masks continue to be required in classrooms, lecture centers, research labs, the libraries and learning/success centers, health care settings, and on UIC shuttles and buses. Masking is highly encouraged in other settings, including at events, but it is a choice based on personal risk.
Faculty, staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 at a non-UIC testing location should continue to report test results using the UIC COVID-19 Reporting Tool. Test results from on-campus saliva testing will be automatically reported to UIC contact tracing.
More details and vaccination requirements available at UIC Today.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Masks continue to be required in classrooms, lecture centers, research labs, the libraries and learning/success centers, health care settings, and on UIC shuttles and buses. Masks will also be required at spring commencement ceremonies. Masking in all other settings is strongly recommended based on current levels of community transmission. We will evaluate masking guidance over the summer and provide an update when guidance changes.
Vaccination continues to be recognized as the most effective protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death, and UIC has a vaccination rate of 95%.
Effective May 9, UIC will transition to the SHIELD Illinois saliva-based test at Student Center East, Student Center West and the Behavioral Sciences Building, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The UIC Healthcheck and Daily Pass tools will no longer be used on campus, effective May 9.
Mandatory COVID-19 testing continues to be required for all unvaccinated students, faculty and staff who have a medical or religious vaccination exemption and all partially vaccinated students, faculty and staff, twice per 7-day period, 48 or more hours apart.
More details and vaccination requirements at UIC Today.
Monday, February 28, 2022
In alignment with Chicago and Illinois, UIC recognizes the significant decrease in levels of COVID-19 transmission in the community and will lift the indoor mask requirement for some public settings on campus, effective Tuesday, March 1.
Because of these factors and the low level of COVID-19 transmission in Chicago, UIC has detailed new masking, event and testing requirements.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
As of Monday January 24th, UIC, including JACSW, transitioned from remote instruction to in-person classes. The change has been covered by several emails and postings and was discussed at a townhall convened by UIC leaders. Here you will find information specific to JACSW and links to guidelines that apply to all UIC students.
- The only classes approved for remote instruction are the following:
- SocW 460 Research I (FT 2) CRN 41919 (Nnorom) — synchronous
- SocW 520 Practice IV: OCP CRN 24567 (Butterfield) — synchronous
- SocW 529 Kinship Care—A Comprehensive Overview (Geiger) — asynchronous
- SocW 565 Research II: Action Research (Butterfield) — synchronous
- SocW 565 Research II: Single Systems CRN 15545 (Nnorom) — synchronous
- SocW597 Applied Linear & Generalized Linear Regression (Swartz) — synchronous
- All other JACSW classes will be taught in person.
- Neither hybrid or remote learning are options. Classes will not be recorded. There is no capability to uniformly provide access to recorded lectures. If you need to miss a class, due to COVID exposure or a positive test result you should follow UIC protocols and speak with your instructor regarding how to make up missed content. Instructors will not arrange alternative instructional meetings with students who consistently miss classes and have unexcused absences. Field instruction is a class, and the same guidelines as those being followed for on-campus courses should be followed.
- UIC has created guidelines regarding contact tracing. Please read thoroughly. It covers student responsibilities for reporting symptoms, testing, and exposures; provides answers about contact tracing; and information about compliance.
- As always, students who are eligible for support from the Disability Resource Center should speak with them regarding identifying your needs and related accommodations. You should obtain a Letter of Accommodations and provide it to each instructor for which accommodations are being sought. Accommodations are not retroactive.
- If an instructor is exposed to COVID, or tests positive for COVID, in-person instruction will be cancelled for the required quarantine period. Your instructor will let you know if class will be held remotely or cancelled completely with make-up content provided. Class will resume for in person instruction once the quarantine period ends.
- Important resources:
Students and faculty should continue to read UIC OFFICIAL emails and JaneMail for updated information.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Due to recent increases in COVID-19 cases, evolving information about the more transmissive Omicron variant, and new CDC guidelines, the University of Illinois System is now requiring that all faculty, staff and students get a COVID-19 booster shot as soon as they are eligible. Those who have already received exemptions from the vaccination requirement for medical or religious reasons will be exempted from the booster requirement.
Vaccines and boosters are available on campus or at a location near you. Please upload your proof of booster to Healthcheck.
Read the full guidance at UIC Today.
Monday, December 20, 2021
With the omicron variant fueling a rapid rise in COVID-19 cases across Illinois and the nation, and a likely surge in the coming weeks, the first two weeks of instruction in the spring semester will be online:
- Classes will be online Monday, Jan. 10 through Sunday, Jan. 23. Exceptions will be made for the health sciences colleges, labs, clinics, internships and other classes that cannot be offered virtually, including those that start before Jan. 10. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the colleges and the academic departments and units.
- In-person classes are expected to resume Monday, Jan. 24. Social distancing in the classroom will not be necessary because face masks, which will remain required indoors on campus, and vaccines (96% of the UIC community is vaccinated) continue to be the best forms of defense against COVID-19 transmission.
- All students are expected to take a PCR test before returning to campus.
- Students, along with faculty and staff, are urged to obtain a booster, if eligible, prior to returning to campus. Vaccines are available on campus or at a location near you.
Additionally, beginning Jan. 5, 2022, attendance at in-person events on campus will require proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the gathering.
Further details and links for testing, vaccination, and boosters are available at UIC Today.
Previous Updates Heading link
Fall 2021
Friday, August 20, 2021
UIC has extended the date to August 23rd for vaccination compliance disclosure. Additional information is available at UIC Today.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Effective Aug. 16, at least weekly saliva testing and daily UIC Healthcheck COVID-19 Self Monitoring is required for the following groups of people:
- those who submit a medical or religious exemption through the University Health Services (the process for doing so is forthcoming), or
- those who are partially vaccinated, who have a scheduled final vaccine dose, and vaccination completion is imminent.
You must update your vaccination status through UIC Healthcheck after your final vaccine dose. Details are available on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Friday, July 30, 2021
Our classroom-based courses remain online and synchronous for the fall. However, if you are attending a field instruction course that requires any face-to-face contact, this mandatory requirement also applies to you. Regardless of the number of face-to-face contact hours, you must be fully vaccinated to attend your in-person field placement. Details are available on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Wednesday, July 22, 2021
UIC is requiring all students who plan to be on campus for the fall 2021 semester be fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine if they are able. Our classroom-based courses remain online and synchronous for the fall. However, if you are attending a field instruction course that requires any face-to-face contact, this mandatory requirement also applies to you. Regardless of the number of face-to-face contact hours, you must be fully vaccinated to attend your in-person field placement. Details are available on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Spring 2021
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
UIC has issued new guidance for the wearing of masks on campus:
- Individuals who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear masks outdoors on university property.
- Individuals who are not fully vaccinated are allowed to unmask outdoors on university property if traveling alone more than 6 feet from others.
- Masking indoors is still required, including in classrooms, except when alone in a private office or personal residence hall room, or when an individual has a medical condition, disability or other reason that prevents them from safely wearing a face mask.
- Scarves, bandanas and gaiters are not to be worn on the UIC campus when a mask is required, as they do not provide the same level of protection as a face mask.
More details are available at UIC Today.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
With the continued need for social distancing, our assigned classrooms cannot accommodate anticipated class enrollments. Those anticipated class sizes are based on historical enrollment data, as well as our planned enrollment numbers. As a result, fall classes will be conducted remotely. We hope that we will be able to return to classes in person for the spring semester.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
UI Health is making extra efforts to ensure it is convenient for all faculty and staff to get the vaccine. The vaccine is available to all UI Health faculty, staff and students, and the UI Hospital is now offering walk-ins at the following locations — no appointment needed! Details are available on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
The UIC Health Professions Student Council (HPSC) has approved a grant for face shields that allow for more adequate coverage during patient care. JACSW student who feel they need this particular type of face shield, can request such a face shield. Details are available on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Monday, February 1, 2021
UIC announced that beginning Monday, Feb. 8, instructors who had planned to offer on-campus or hybrid classes, labs, etc. during spring semester may now proceed with those classes, as long as they adhere to prescribed social distancing and other public health precautions. However, all JACSW courses will continue with their current method of delivery for the remainder of this academic year. If for individual reasons you need to go to campus, please remember that you are required to use UIC Healthcheck to record your health status before going to campus.
Fall 2020
Friday, December 18, 2020
Interim Associate Dean McCoy sent well wishes for a healthy and safe holiday, with updated information regarding COVID-19 testing and reporting, getting flu shots, and the UIC Pop-Up Pantry, as well as CTA U-Pass and other information for the Spring 2020 semester. Please see the Friday, December 18 updates on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Friday, November 20, 2020
The college has provided a wide range for information and resources for students to maintain health and wellness, both over the Thanksgiving holiday and as we complete the Fall 2020 semester, including COVID-19 testing, flu shots, stress management and guidance for holiday safety. Please see the Friday, November 20 updates on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Friday, November 13, 2020
On November 11th Chancellor Amiridis indicated that UIC is requiring all in-person instruction, at all sites, be suspended at the end of this week for the duration of the fall semester. This change does not impact field instruction courses (i.e. field placement) at this time. Students are being reminded to get their flu shot (if they have not already done so), continue to following public health recommended safety protocols and, if needed, to obtain, free on-campus COVID-19 saliva testing. Students who have concerns arising from COVID-19 for themselves or that of a household or family member may opt to engage in remote learning for their field placement, and their field liaison will work with them to implement a remote learning plan.
Thursday, October 14, 2020
The college hosted a webinar covering UIC’s approach to COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, and the supports available to students who receive a positive COVID-19 test. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing here.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Flu shots will be available for free on campus at locations on the east and west sides of campus and at UIC School of Law. Appointments must be made and can be scheduled up to three weeks in advance. Please visit the UIC Flu Vaccine webpage for complete information, vaccination locations, and to schedule your appointment.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The college has published resources and guidance to help ensure student success as they learn and study remotely. Please see the Friday, August 21 updates on the Coronavirus Updates for MSW Students page.
Summer 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
In response to MSW student concerns about field placements during the COVID-19 public health crisis, the college published a FAQ addressing specific questions and linking students to needed information and resources.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
The campus has made tremendous efforts to ensure safety on campus, including plans to require COVID-19 Safety Training for all students and employees and various processes to prepare our buildings for safe use. However, all Jane Addams College of Social Work courses for the Fall 2020 semester will be taught in a fully online format except Field Instruction. Faculty are continuing to ready their classes for implementation in August and are focused on creating student-centered online courses. Course materials will be available on Blackboard prior to the start of class.
Spring 2020
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
In line with Governor Pritzker’s extension of the stay-at-home order, college faculty and staff will continue working remotely through May 30, 2020.
Tuesday, April 16, 2020
Given the cancelation of May commencement ceremonies, the college will honor the hard work and dedication of our students by participating in UIC’s Virtual Graduation Celebration on May 16, 2020. This celebration is not intended to replace in-person commencement ceremonies, which will take place at a later date. Information about the in-person commencement ceremony will be provided as it becomes available.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
In line with Governor Pritzker’s extension of the stay-at-home order, college faculty and staff will continue working remotely until April 30, 2020.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Governor Pritzker has issued a stay-at-home order for the state of Illinois, effective through Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Both his order and Mayor Lightfoot’s order for the city of Chicago were not done lightly and were issued to protect the health and safety of all residents, especially those at highest risk. We all know how very important it is for us to follow these orders while also carrying out many different personal and professional responsibilities. College faculty and staff are, therefore, urged to stay at home and continue working remotely, and not come to campus until notified that it is prudent to do so.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Out of an abundance of caution and concern for the health and safety of our students and of our community partners in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, field placement activities for the remainder of the spring semester are suspended and JACSW students will not return to their field placements after Spring Break. We will ensure that students’ Spring 2020 graduation will not be impacted due to the decision to suspend field placement activities.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
In line with communications from the President of University of Illinois System, commencement ceremonies will not take place in May, as a public health precaution. Diplomas will be mailed to graduating students. The University is exploring alternative ways to honor our Spring 2020 graduates.
Monday, March 16, 2020
The health, safety, and well-being of our students remains our top priority. In line with guidance from health experts to increase the practice of social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19, effective Tuesday, March 17 through March 27, JACSW students’ field placement activities will be suspended and students are not to report to their field placements. Additionally, non-essential personnel have been directed to work remotely.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
In line with communications from the Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Spring Break will begin on Monday, March 16, and is extended to a period of two weeks. Therefore, there will be no course instruction from March 16 to March 27. Classes will resume on Monday, March 30, and will be held exclusively online for the remainder of the semester.
With regards to field instruction, in consultation with their field liaison, students and field instructors are advised to determine students’ presence in field based on agency guidelines and protocols in place to handle COVID-19, and health and safety needs.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
As a public health and safety precaution, and in line with communications from the President of the University of Illinois System and the Provost of the University of Illinois at Chicago, all Jane Addams College of Social Work classes will be conducted online beginning Monday, March 16, at their currently scheduled days and times.
Students in field placements will continue participating in their placements as usual, and should follow the protocols established by their field instructors and field placement sites.
In addition, all college-sponsored events have been cancelled and university-supported international travel and non-essential domestic travel have been banned until further notice. Please see below for a list of cancelled events.