Our faculty, staff and students comprise a diverse community involved in a variety of research, evaluation, training, advocacy, and service activities that improve the lives of people in poor, urban populations.

Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research Heading link
The Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research Center engages in university-community partnerships to advance knowledge about effective social welfare policies, programs, and services and promote social, racial and economic justice. Center faculty and staff engage in public service and research activities to address the social conditions and needs of urban communities, families and children, especially those who are poor.

Commitment to Police Accountability Heading link
For over 15 years, Jane Addams College of Social Work has been engaged in efforts to bring accountability to police departments in Chicago and beyond. See how the college has been involved in this important endeavor.

Training Institute for School Social Work Professionals Heading link
First developed in 2009, the goal of the Training Institute for School Social Work Professionals is to provide additional training for practicing school social works to keep them abreast of new innovations, and to introduce practitioners to evidence-informed approaches to enhance the quality of services they provide to elementary and high school students.

Social Services in the Community Heading link
Through their Field Placements (internships), Jane Addams MSW students provide needed social services at a variety of agencies, organizations, hospitals and other institutions throughout the Chicago metropolitan area.

Research with Impact Heading link
The research conducted by our faculty not only addresses the needs of marginalized communities, it amplifies the voices of individuals and families in those communities, so that their lived experiences can inform social services and public policy.