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PhD Program Newsletter

Doctoral Dispatch header

Human rights are central to social work, and being a human rights defender ought to be a primary motivator and goal. The global definition of social work includes reference to ‘principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities’.”

Neil Ballantyne  |  Principal Lecturer in social work at the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

Spring 2024 Heading link

In this edition of the Doctoral Dispatch, we honor the social workers creating change and movement to end violence and genocide in Palestine and throughout the globe. One exemplary social worker and humanitarian is Munther Amira. Amira has been working to ensure human rights in Palestine for years. Despite violent repercussions and arrests, Amira has continued to advocate for Palestinians. Amira is doing crucial global social work, as do other social workers. We honor and appreciate their work as it inspires us to help create a safe and violence-free future for Palestinians and all others facing violence.

PhD Alumni News Heading link

Christine Barber, Ph.D., Class of 2023
Has been promoted to Lead Crisis Worker at NorthShore University Health System.

Who’s Who in the Program Heading link

Doctoral Dispatch Newsletter Editor: Livvy Gerrish

Community of Doctoral Social Workers (CODSW): Livvy Gerrish,; Shelton Young,; Andie Riffer,

Doctoral Committee: Livvy Gerrish, Shelton Young

Graduate Student Council (GSC): Emily Giangrande

NASW Student Liaison: Livvy Gerrish

Want to get involved or share feedback and ideas? E-mail: Livvy Gerrish